Physical Therapy

Physical therapy gives children quality of life

There is only a single doctor for every 10,000 patients in Uganda. Access to physical therapy is virtually non-existent. There is a great need for it, as it can help children with disability achieve greater mobility and quality of life. Every therapy session counts, because a single session improves the way in which a child deals with its own impairment and gives him or her a sense of self-sufficiency. Fortunately, we have already been able to create valuable opportunities for taking care of children through physical therapy.

This is the kind of help we provide on site

  • Working with local physical therapists on site
  • Cooperation with a physical therapy center
  • Training of therapists
  • Transport of children to therapy
  • Providing in-home treatments

Let Doctors Fly works on multiple levels. We work closely with the few physical therapists available in the country and provide them with vital training and equipment. In addition, we arrange transportation for children to treatment centers, since travel distances can often be two hours or more for many children, requiring time and money that most parents cannot afford. Whenever possible, we also bring the therapists to the homes of children in need so that treatment can be provided on site.

Why is physical therapy in Uganda so important?

The roads are long, the therapists far too few. Unfortunately, that inevitably means that many children go completely untreated. Children with clubfoot, for example, are kept in stalls with animals or locked up day and night in dark huts. They endure a life deprived of any humanity. Our cooperation with therapists and a local physical therapy center helps free them from this situation. We have two fundamental objectives. First, it is about providing the best possible treatment for these children and facilitating them with a greater degree of mobility. But we also aim to educate families about disability and create awareness. We are making greater strides every day – that is precisely why we are very happy that we are able to help, thanks to your support.


